Alternatives to regular energy sources are becoming normal. One of those alternatives is the solar power panel system, but this system is a little expensive. Do not fret, there is a way to make your solar panels from scratch. The following is a 63 watt solar panel you can adjust as you see fit.
The first thing you want to do is create a template for the power cells. The panel has to be large enough to fit all the panels you are going to be using. Most of the time these frames use nothing more than cardboard paper and plywood. You should sand the frame, paint it, and use a few coats of seal to protect it from UV damage.
Cell Assembly
You are going to need 36 cells to create around 63 watts of power, which is something you can adjust to your needs. One thing you have to remember while assembling is that the bottom of the cell is your positive side and the top is the negative side. Once you’ve purchased your cells, all you need to do is solder each side together, making sure the top is your negative side and the bottom is your positive side. After you take care of that, connect each cell together using a bus wire.
A Little Drilling
Now, it is time to place your completed cells, and mark the position of each cell on your frame. This will give you an idea of what to do next. Remove the cells when you are done marking, and use those markings to drill two holes near the bottom of the frame where your negative and positive wires are going to run out from. Use the markings to help you screw a pegboard down.
A Little Gluing
After taking care of all that, you can glue down your cells on the pegboard. You will probably want to use silicon glue to ensure longevity since this type of glue can withstand the kind of heat your panel is going to emit. Then, you are going to have solder the wiring down so that it is not completely exposed to the elements. It might be a good idea to check your voltage at this time just in case you need to make adjustments.
Battery Aspect
Part of what makes a solar panel work is the battery, and you will need to hook this up to your solar panel. You are going to have to purchase a charge controller, deep cycle battery, and an inverter. The connections from your panel are going to be connected to the charge controller. When you are done with that, you can connect that controller to the deep cycle battery. The inverter should be connected to the deep cycle battery. After these connections are complete, you have a fully functioning panel.
You are probably going to need to secure a plexiglass over the entire panel, so just make sure you get the measurements right and get to drilling. As you can see, making your own panel is not too hard, provided you know a little about batteries and some basic woodwork.